Must be 21 years or older to make booking
We do not give same room to unmarried couple
In case given location rooms are full we shall provide alternate location at nearby place.
Children above 5 years age are charged full adult price.
For credit card charge 2.5% extra will be added.
Check-in time is 12 noon.
Upon guest check-in form needs to be filled by each guest. In case of more than one adult person staying in same room then each individual has to complete separate check-in form.
Guests are requested to complete each field in the form with correct information. Guests need to provide their photo-id proof so that caretaker can take picture of photo-id document for records.
Guests will be charged for all the days from the date of check-in till the date of check out irrespective of emergency travel or any other reasons urgent personal/family issues.
Checkout time is 12 noon.
Check out between 12PM-6PM will incur half day charge. Check out after 6PM will incur full day charge.
Changes in scheduled departure date need to be reconfirmed for availability of room(s) for extension period. In case of leaving before scheduled departure date, 1 day advance notification MUST be given else there will be charge for one day.
For all schedule changes/complaints/queries/suggestions call manager on duty at +91 9209 133 125
Complimentary breakfast is served between 8:00AM to 10:30AM ONLY. Complimentary breakfast includes one plate/dish of item plus one cup of tea or coffee. For any additional food or drinks guest will be charged separately. Minimum 30 minutes time is required to serve breakfast.
Food and drinks shall be served only in the dining area and not to be carried or given in the room.
Lunch, Snacks or Dinner can be ordered with caretaker for extra charge. Caretaker needs minimum 1 hour preparation time.
10% service charge is applicable for the food ordered from outside for cleaning dishes and serving food if in house care taker is requested to provide these services.
Guests are requested to comply with building/society rules and regulations including decent behavior with security and sign-in/sign-out at the gates when requested.
In case of emergency guests are requested to co-operate with local governing rules and regulations and follow the instructions of security/police/government orders.
All apartments of MPK suites are non-smoking rooms. Guests are requested not to smoke inside rooms or common areas.
Consumption of alcohol inside the premises is strictly prohibited.
Good Samaritan:
Keep your air conditioner at temperature setting of 24 degrees and above for comfort and be environment friendly.
Guests are requested to be mindful of other guests in next rooms and to have decent behavior with other guests.
All electrical appliances like fan, light, air-conditioners, geyser, TV, cable box etc. should be switched off before leaving the room. Ensure that there is no running water in sink/bathroom area. If using cooking gas cylinder, ensure it is switched off/turned off after cooking is over to minimize gas leakage and unforeseen accidents.
Clothes should be dried only on drying rack or drying ropes provided and should not be left open for drying on the beds or in the rooms.
Suggestions & Feedback:
We welcome your valuable suggestions. Request to fill up the feedback form at the time of checkout.
Use of any unauthorized or illegal intoxicants in the guest house is strictly prohibited
Persons staying in the guest house are not entitled to bring unauthorized guest(s) to stay in the guest house or in to their rooms.
No illegal activities are to be carried out in the premises.
Management is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings. All guests are requested to use the wardrobe lock facility to store their valuable belongings in the rooms.
Wardrobe/door keys to be returned to care taker at the time of check out. Loss of keys will be charged to the guest.
Please note that if your room door is locked then we would not be able to clean the room and attached bathroom.
Guest is held responsible for any damages to guest house properties or articles and will be liable to compensate the management.
In house staff are not be used for any personal work inside or outside the premises.
Outsiders other than guests will not be entertained inside the rooms without prior intimation to the management.
Guest is liable to pay charges for all non-local phone calls made by them.
Park your vehicles only within reserved parking for guest house and designated parking spaces ONLY. Management is not responsible for any unauthorized parking issues and guest need to pay for towing charges.